What are we pre-tending into being, tenderly trying to bring into presence?
I’m attempting to make sense of a flickering, in and out, expanding, rippling, reverberating, a thing pulsingly alive. Words can only point to it, I’m simply writing to weave phenomenon together in my own mind and perhaps for you.
I’ve been fortunate during this strange pandemic time to participate in the host training for People Need People (the online version of Warm Data Labs) based on the work of Nora Bateson, her father Gregory, and grandfather William.
The experience is of something always known but never articulated. Forever I’ve resisted dissecting the poem and I’m lost describing what I do. This meandering is not explanatory but an attempt at creating a parallel experience the way an impressionist painting IS light or that dance IS its own untranslatable language — a thing unto itself.
Warm Data is alive — a kaleidoscopic living practice that sparks learning and change in complex systems. It’s a real-world version of the Wachowski’s Sense8 series in which eight people from across the world are psychically connected, learn together, and unfold positive change.
Nora Bateson describes Warm Data as, “another form of communication… without which it will not be possible to make sense of the complexity we are…